Today, I got to thinking about walking a dog. I talked to a dog trainer once, and she said, 'a walk is not Excercise, it's a leadership exercise.'.
And it's true. Walking with a dog is not relaxing. You have to constantlty monitor the dog, to make sure she's not running ahead, or lagging behind, or chasing a cat, or eating something disgusting, or preparing to run into oncoming traffic.
God is called the Good Shepherd, with references to the amount of care that sheep take. But He could also be the Good Dogwalker.
When it comes to my walk with God, I am a lot like my dog. I always want to rush ahead to things I'm not ready for. I tend to lag behind and dwell on that past. I am easily distracted by the wordly things around me. I sometimes corrupt myself with sin. And occasionally, my self-destructive tendencies make me want to dive into dangerous situations.
Luckily God is patient and kind. He tugs gently on the rope when I get too far ahead or behind, to remind me that I need to by right there by His side. He only yanks hard when I am about to get hurt, and when I've ignored his more gentle attempts to direct me.
And best of all God knows the path we're taking, even when I don't. I need to trust him to keep me on the right path. Because without him I'm just dodging cars and hoping for the best.
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