Today, I thought about momentum. I had plans to apply for a particular job today, but other plans got in the way, and I lost my momentum.
For some reason my mind sprang to the story of Joshua and the Battle of Jericho, as told in Joshua, Chapter 6.
The Lord commanded Joshua and the Israelites to march once around the city every day for six days, and then on the seventh day, to march around it seven times, and then give a lout shout with the trumpet blast.
And on that seventh day, when they blew their horns and shouted, the walls of Jericho collapsed, and the Israelites swarmed in and destroyed the city.
What would have happened if the Israelites had stopped on the sixth day? or if they'd only gone round the city five times on the seventh day? Or if they'd all decided they were too tired to shout when the trumpets blasted?
It is wrong to rush in mindlessly. But it is also important to keep my momentum going. Every day I fail to look for a job makes it a little harder to look the day after that. And if I were to skip writing a blog entry, as I have occasionally been tempted to do, then it will be that much harder to start again.
For me, too much thought is problem. I go over every detail in my mind, and then I feel like I already know what the outcome will be (and often I conclude it will be a negative outcome), and so I convince myself it's not worth the effort of doing anything in the first place.
Shame on me for that. Tomorrow I will get up, and march a lap around the city, and apply for that job.
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