Today marks the end of my first month of blogging, so I think I'll take a moment today to think about what I've written and what I am hoping to accomplish here.
My original goal was simply to write something every day, to get myself in the habit of doing so. I thought I'd type out some of the random thoughts I have occasionall on the subjects of God and the Bible. I thought perhaps I'd come up with one or two ideas worth pursuing further.
I didn't think too much about whether anyone else might read this. But I wrote--and still write, with the thought in mind that this is first for my own edification, but the thought that someone else might read it. So I don't put every thought down. Which is probably a good thing, since I have been rather depressed lately, and I whine plenty elsewhere. And there are some things that are not mine to tell, and some things I don't want made public, even to such a limited public as this blog draws.
As I've written, though, I think it's been a benefit to me. This blog helps me clarify my thoughts, and work out things. I might be writing about Deborah, but I am thinking about my life. And I also think of possible readers, and there are enough people who've mentioned the blog to me that I know a few do read it occasionally, and it reminds me that there are people who care about me.
Many of my posts concern things I see or read that remind me of God. And typing them out each day, I've come to realize that a lot of things make me think of God. And I find myself looking for God in every day life. Which is a good thing. Looking for things to write about gives me focus, too, so I feel like I'm accomplishing something.
So much as I sometimes don't want to write a post every single day. As often as I find myself delayed in going to bed because I put it off until the end of the night, I am glad that I chose to start this blog. And I feel good that I have--with one exception-- held true to my commitment to write every day.
So, going forward, my goals are to write my blog entries in the morning, so I don't delay them too long. I also hope to illustrate that God can be found everywhere--in songs and romance novels and playing with pets. God is not just God in the big things. He wants to be present for every small detail of our lives. And if we look for Him we will find Him.
I think there's a Psalm that says that. I will have to look that up. Or Jeremiah 23:23-- 'Am I a God nearby, declares the Lord, 'and not one far away?'
Though I suppose in this case it would be the opposite-- God is not just far away, he is God nearby, too.
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