Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Year With God, Day 8 of 366

Proverbs 31: 10-31 talks about the wife of noble character.  It says her husband should have complete faith in her, then goes on to describe the tasks she completes, how she chooses wool and flax, which she later weaves into garments and sells them.  She rises early in the morning, managing her familiy and those that work for her.  She buys and sells fields, and grows things on them.

She works hard, she trades and makes a profit.  She help the poor.  She sees to it that her family is well cared for, that they have heat in the winter, and warm blankets for their beds.  She is wise and teaches those who listen to her.  She is loved and respected by her children and husband.

It ends by saying she should be praised at the city gates.  As I recall, the city gates is where the important men of the city sat, the judges and prominent business men.  What a sign of respect it must be, to be spoken of there.

This is a far cry from the 'barefoot and pregnant' view of women that is sometimes still prevalent.  Women are given respect in the old testament, and scorn as well, each as her actions deserve.  I am not sure where the concept of women as second class citizens came from, but I do not see it as biblical.  Women have the ability to influence men, whether consciously as Eve influenced Adam to eat the fruit, or unknowingly, as when David saw Bathsheba bathing and decided he wanted her.

Old testament women could serve as Judges.  They could kill important men.  They aided the spies sent by Israel when they returned to the promised land.  There are many strong women described in the old testament.  We should not discount their part in the Bible merely because they are women.

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