Friday, January 20, 2012

A Year With God, Day 20 of 366

There is a scene in 'The Curse of Chalion' by Lois McMaster Bujold, where the main character remembers being the commander of a castle under seige. 

The food was gone, the men were tired and injured.  There seemed no hope.  Cazaril stands watch on the battlements and has a moment of reflection.  He was following a god chosen by his age and sex, and now he feels abandoned.  So he takes off his religious amulet and throws into the darkness, then throws himself down in a fit of angst, vowing to serve any god who chose to take him up. 

The book is set in a time and place where there are five gods, the Son, for young men, the Daughter for young women, the Father for Older/married men, the Mother for older/married women, and the Bastard for anyone left over.

The story continues with something like, 'he lay there in the darkness, waiting.  But nothing happened.  Well, eventually he got up and went back inside, and shortly thereafter came word that the castle had been surrendered by their distant commanders.  And his men were ransomed and went home.  Only Cazaril went on a different path.'

That was the true beginning of the story, though he did not realize it until years later.

Last night I asked for a sign, and I did not receive one.  Or at least, not an obvious sign.  It seems God often works in subtle ways.  So perhaps I did get my sign.  Perhaps the sign was in one of the jobs I applied for today.  Perhaps it was in the windy but dry half hour spent at the dog park.  Perhaps it was in that scene from 'The Curse of Chalion'.

I do not know what plans God might have for me.  But I know they are plans for my good.  'For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Jeremiah 29:11

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