Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Year With God, Day 24 of 366

In Judges, 4:4, it says, "Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth, was leading Israel at that time."

This is what I love about the Old Testament.  What a fascinating story, hinted at in this verse.  The Bible skips over all the boring background, mentioning only the most important details:  she was a prophetess, she was married and she was leading Israel. 

I am no biblical scholar, but this is the only mention I remember of a woman being a prophet, much less a woman leading Israel.  I would be fascinated to hear the background of Deborah.  How did she become a prophetess?  Was it before or after her marriage?  What did her husband think about her calling?  How did she come to lead Israel?

Clearly, even in the Old Testament, women were capable of leading a country.  When people talk about the merits of a female president of the U.S., I think of Deborah and laugh to myself.  Especially when they claim offense based on Christian principles.

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