Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Year With God, Day 29 of 366

I was thinking of the scene in the New Testament when Jesus walked on the water.  Peter sees Jesus and recognizes him from the boat he and a couple other disciples were riding in, and Peter jumps out and runs across the water.  Then suddenly he realizes what he's doing and sinks.  Jesus reaches out and pulls him back out of the water.

The point of the story is usually about keeping your eyes on Jesus, and trusting him to keep your footing solid.

But if I had been in that boat, I would not have been Peter.  I might have recognized Jesus first (because soemtimes I can recognize people by the back of their head, or the way they stand) but I would not have jumped out of the boat.

I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.  Peter is known for his impulsive reactions, which is his greatest strength and his greatest weakness all in one.  But everyone can't be like Peter.

But I would have been jealous of Peter.  I'd have wished I had the nerve to jump out of the boat, too.  But I just don't think that's in my nature.

And I have to be okay with that.  I would be there to help Peter and Jesus into the boat and give them towels to dry off with.  And that's not a bad thing, either.

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