Saturday, March 3, 2012

A Year With God, Day 63 of 366

I was standing over the stove, cooking up some meat to make a late-night dinner tonight, and I suddenly thought of the story in John 21.  Jesus was crucified, and has risen, and some of the disciples go out fishing, because they don't know what else to do.  When they come back to shore, Jesus is waiting with a fire burning, and fish cooking.

And I thought to myself that my relationship with God should be like my relationship with food.  I know I have to eat in order to stay alive.  But I don't sit down to a steak dinner and think, 'Oh, man I have to eat this.'  No, I eat because I enjoy it.

That's how we should feel about spending time with God.  It's something to savor like a good meal.  It should stay with us like a satisfying meal, giving us the energy to get through our day.  It should have many flavors, sweet like joy, spicy like faith, and sometimes sour  like guilt.  It should be something that we finish and think, 'Oh, that was a great meal!' and in the back of our minds, we're thinking, 'Hmm . . what should I have for dinner tomorrow night?'

Church should feel like sitting down to a meal with family--a time of contentment and fellowship, and occasionally conflict.  But we should be able to work out our differences, at least enough to enjoy the feast before us.

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